Vampires first appeared in literature in the 1800's and became more popular with The Vampyre by Polidori. In the late 1800's, Bram Stoker published Dracula, inspired by the real life Vlad the Impaler, who used to get a kick out of killing people by impaling them on stakes. Dracula then became a basis for many vampire novels over the last hundred years, such as Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Recently Twilight, By Stephenie Meyer, True Blood, By Charlaine Harris, Vampire Diaries, by L. J. Smith and Vampire Academy, by Richelle Mead, has reignited interest in vampire fiction. Here are the key differences between these vampires.
Twilight, By Stephenie Meyer, explores Edward Cullen, a vampire falling in love with Bella, a human, in Washington. The Cullen Family are central to the novel and they follow the vampire laws of The Volturi, who reign in Italy. The difference between the Cullen's and The Volturi is that they feed off animal blood instead of human blood; they do this to fit into society and do not have to face the guilt of killing innocent people for their blood. The Volturi are the typical savage vampires they drink human blood and do anything to keep vampires hidden from the world. To remain a secret they live and work with humans, like most other vampires they do not need to breathe but do for appearances, they have both reflections and shadows and they can go outside in the day time however, their skin becomes like diamonds all glittery when it hits the sun. The vampires are immortal and do possess strength, unnatural speed, strong senses with some having special powers, for example Edward has the ability to read minds with one exception and his sister has the ability to see visions of the future. The vampires are pale with The Volturi having red eyes and the Cullen's having topaz unless they both require blood this is when their eyes turn black and dark circles form underneath them, they also do not have fangs. The way to kill them is by fire or decapitation, which the pieces are later burnt. Twilight also includes werewolves, who are in fact shape shifters. Male vampires can only reproduce by a human female, which creates a dhamphir, this is part human and part vampire, or vampires can be created by being bitten and after a few days the transformation is complete all that is required is a heartbeat that will then eventually stop.
The True Blood TV series or The Southern Vampire Mysteries, by Charlaine Harris, takes place in Southern Louisiana, involves Vampires who made by being bitten and buried until the transformation is complete. These vampires normally feed on human blood however, due to a synthetic blood creation are able to live normal lives without feeding on humans. They have officially revealed themselves to the public. The Sunlight affects them in a number of ways if they are older they have lower tolerances to it and will burn very quickly, newer vampires will just burn but heal. To kill a vampire requires a stake, fire or decapitation. Silver burns them and leaves them immobilised but will not kill them. These vampires require an invitation to enter a human home which if rescinded they must leave immediately. The vampires are pale with retractable fangs; they too leave a shadow and have a reflection. Vampires have compulsion powers, they are immortal and move at unnatural speed, with strong senses and strength, some can fly. They cannot be outside and sleep all day; they are hunted for their blood, which has drug like effects for humans. They too are ruled by laws put in place locally by an area sheriff who then reports to the king or queen of a state. Other Creatures that exist with vampires are Maenads, Shape shifters, Werewolves, Witches Fairies. Dracula only makes a mention so far in the books.
Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead, Based in Montana and Pennsylvania, vampires or Moroi, are born as a result of two pure blood vampire parents, they are protected by dhamphirs born as a result of a half human and a half Moroi. Two dhamphirs cannot reproduce. The vampires exist in the current world, where they too are ruled by a King or Queen, but remain a secret by having their own education institutions and areas that they live. It is here that they live on a nocturnal timetable; even though they can go out in the sun, it irritates them and makes them weak. Moroi need human blood, they are not that strong and need Dhamphir, who do not need blood and have human physiques, to protect them. They face the evil vampires who are Strigoi, with red eyes, they need blood and cannot go in the sun, to become a Strigoi, Moroi or dhamphir need to be bitten by a Strigoi or Moroi kill another Moroi. The characteristics of the vampires are that they are pale, have retractable fangs, they have reflections and shadows. They have the ability to use compulsion, though it is not allowed, Moroi specialise in an extra power with spirit users able to heal. Unlike other vampires, they are mortal and will grow old and die, unless killed by a silver stake, and they do possess special senses and strength.
Vampire Diaries, by L. J. Smith, explores vampires that are reproduced by transfusion if they are killed while there is vampire blood still in their system. They are immortal, have unnatural speed, senses, strength and can heal, some can fly, shape shift and have mind powers. They have ordinary skin colour, retractable fangs and cast a shadow and have a reflection. Some choose to not drink human blood but animal blood. To kill them requires a stake, fire; sunlight is fatal unless they have a special ring to protect them. They like the True Blood Vampires require an invitation to enter; they also exist in a world with werewolves and witches.
Vampire Chronicles, by Anne Rice, involves vampires that are pale, have fangs, reflections and shadows. They are immortal, with unnatural speed, senses and strength and can heal, only the gifted can fly and only the gifted had mind powers and other powers. They reproduce by transfusion or being bitten or drinking vampire blood. They are hidden though some tried to change that. Cannot be staked, Sunlight is fatal unless they are older vampires who have higher tolerances, fatal to decapitation and fire. Prefer human blood but can drink animal. Similarly, to Twilight vampires as they age they become more statuesque, very smooth and white skin.
Dracula, by Bram Stoker, hailed as the original vampire that all other vampires are based on. Dracula was pale, had fangs, though he had no reflection and no shadow. Stake was fatal, and was affected by garlic, holy symbols, running water and could die by decapitation, drowning or fire. He required an invitation to enter and was immortal with unnatural speed, senses, strength, and could heal. He also can fly and can shape shift to wolf bat dust or fog, he also had powers of telepathy. He was only weakened by the sun but still able to go outside and could only reproduce by transfusion. Existed in a world with werewolves but remained in closed off society.
Comparing different texts, we can see that the vampires are similar, they are often pale, strong, fast, with acute senses, and they die by fire, stakes, or decapitation. They are often reproduced by being bitten or a transfusion occurring and the sun affects them. They exist hidden in society but often share the world with other creatures. Which book or TV series is best, it comes down to personal opinion. Often young adults prefer Twilight, Vampire Academy, and Vampire Diaries. Adult may prefer True Blood, Dracula and the Anne Rice series. People enjoy reading about vampires and there will always be vampire novels to keep their interests.