E! Online True Blood Season 2 Spoilers
Monday, August 10, 2009
Diana Bend, Oregon: What can you tell us about true blood? I am so excited for season two!
Just talking about real blood and star Stephen Moyer asked about the future of Lafayette Nelsa Ellis, Moyer said, "Lafayette, I can not speak. Nelsa is an incredible friend, and uh, I hope you come back ... but because knowledge ... who knows. "Is not decisive in the declaration, but" I hope that never again "seems to suggest that, in Lafayette is gone, and in fact, also of Lafayette Nelsa not appear in the promotion season, or photos, press releases or books death after nightfall. In short, we are beginning to be very naive to have thought / hoped that the show was to play with us and find a way to take about two and Lafayette after the season. We're going to need a lot of vampires eager to compensate for this disaster.
Elana in Warsaw: Do you have news of new blood real?
Lesbians! You've heard of lesbians, right? Vampire Queen Sofia and Sookie's cousin Hadley Hale Lois Lane just suck face.
> swap
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