Natural Ways to Lower Your High Blood Pressure
Monday, May 2, 2011
If you have high blood pressure you have probably been told by your doctor that you will have to take medicines to control it. That is not completely true, you can try alternatives to lower high pressure naturally. In this article we will take a look at some of the natural ways you can lower your blood pressure. One thing to remember is to make sure and carefully monitor your pressure readings if you do suffer from high pressure because this condition can be fatal, it can lead to strokes, heart failure, kidney problems and other blood related problems in the body.
One of the best ways to lower pressure if you are overweight is to lose a few pounds. You can have high blood pressure and be thin but if you are overweight and have high pressure you will have a better chance of lowering it if you exercise and start to eat a healthy diet.
Another way to lower high blood pressure is to eat certain foods that have been proven to be beneficial in lowering pressure. One such food is celery it is a natural diuretic, this means it will help flush out excess fluids and salts in your body. It is natural so has no bad side effects like some of the prescription diuretics that are available.
Another common food that helps lower pressure is garlic. It helps lower the risk of atherosclerosis, the hardening or furring within arteries, caused by excess plaques in the arteries. The garlic works by keeping the blood at the correct thickness and helping the blood circulatory system stay healthy.
The hawthorn plant has also been found to help lower high blood pressure. It is usually taken in capsule form and works by helping strengthen the heart muscle.
Other ways you can lower pressure are by changing your diet to low salt foods, cut out ready meals, junk food and fast foods. Prepare your own meals and start to eat more healthy foods, fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
Drinking more water is also good for lowering high blood pressure. Some people who have tried water fasts for 7 days have seen blood pressure drop as much as 60 points. Although this is not something to do lightly as 7 days with only water is not easy and may not be healthy, if you are considering this you should consult your doctor.
There are also natural mineral supplements you can take to lower high blood pressure. Magnesium or potassium are just a couple of examples both can help support the heart and nervous system. You would probably have to take them as supplement pills to get a high enough daily intake for these minerals to do any good.
As you can see there are quite a few natural things you can do to lower your blood pressure and with a bit of help and support from your doctor you should not have to be dependent on medications for the rest of your life. Discuss with your doctor other alternatives to medications and get him to help you research the alternatives to daily medication.
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