Hightly recommend John Adams
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
John Adams
John Adams (DVD) John Adams tends to be the Founding Father we know the least about. This miniseries, based on the McCullough biography of the same name, rounds out the man who is probably more directly responsible for the way our government runs more than any other of them. Paul Giamati is amazing in his portrayal of probably the most honest politian we ever had in the presidency. But even more interesting are the portrayals of Wasington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin, Sam Adams, and most especially, his wife Abigail. I learned so much about what they were like by watching these amazing portrayals of such famous people. It takes them off the pedestal we tend to put them on and shows them for the flawed, but great human beings they were, bringing revolutionary ideals that had never been tried anywhere before. Try this series, you won't be disappointed. | |
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