For me, Game of Thrones: Costumes
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Game of Thrones: Costumes
Game of Thrones Season 1 (Amazon Instant Video) Winter is coming! I really love Game of Thrones! I did not watch it the first season or most of the second. I actually had to buy the series and watch them all a week before the new April episode came on - I love the baby Dragon's....they are adorable. (how long do dragon's stay adorable?) Love the Stark family - hate the little punk King the dwarf Uncle and do not know all the right names. What kind of an imagination the author of Game of Thrones has. I just shake my head with wonder at the kind of imagination it takes to create something like Game of Thrones - it is on the same level as Harry Potter. Kudo's for turning the book's into such a great series! Love IT!!! | |
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