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The Best of the Latest Satellite TV Package Offerings

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

hbo series

People considering satellite TV packages are often arguing over then merits of the different options. Should you go heavy on sports or is it going to be all about the movies and shows? When you consider that you're getting a lineup of networks that is unmatched in modern cable, you can't downplay the importance of that. Football and baseball fans will argue that their access is also unprecedented. Everyone can get along in the end. Here is the best of what satellite TV packages are offering.

Original series like Boardwalk Empire. Some people yawned when they heard Martin Scorsese and some other usual suspects were teaming up for a powerhouse HBO original series. Ho hum, they said, how good can it be? It's safe to say that the early returns are beyond positive. Steve Buscemi has found the role of his career in Nucky Thompson. He's the mob boss who wants to dance the night away, but his associates and rivals keep sending him back to the drawing board. Can't poor Nucky ever party without all the interruptions? This show is one of the best things going right now.

Action that the real sports fan is craving: There are sports fans, and then there are the type of fanatics that can't go without any action from the preseason, regular season and postseason. For this type of fan, satellite packages can bring you all of the action in high def, without a hitch or a blackout. You'll find yourself the most well informed of all the fans, as you have the insight not only of the primary source (the game) but also the best roundups available from all the shows that come on before and after.

Movies that are coming out way ahead of the rental house schedule: Movies which you miss in the theater used to take forever to make it to the rental houses. Now that movie rental houses are basically extinct, it still takes a long time. The only difference is you have to wait for the mail to arrive nowadays. The mail-in movie houses have their advantages, but satellite providers can get you the films you're dying to see about a month ahead of their schedule. It's fairly simple and straightforward. Instead of wondering why everyone else is seeing the film, you are the one watching it on your TV set at home.

An extended supply of On Demand and Pay Per View programming: The hottest movies will be available using the On Demand feature, but really you can get used to using this system for any type of programming. Educational materials, How To videos and TV shows you missed also fall under the On Demand banner. Pay Per View, on the other hand, is your access to events that only come along once in a blue moon. If you can't get tickets and want to host the party for the WWE Smackdown or some boxing title fight, get used to the Pay Per View controls.

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