Watch True Blood season1 online free ep12 - You'll Be The Death Of Me
Monday, July 27, 2009
Start: Sunday, NOV. 23 (9:00-10:00 pm)
Other HBO playdates: Nov. 23 (midnight), 25 (11:30 pm), 26 (10:00 pm), 27 (8:00 pm, 3:25 am), 28 (11:30 pm) and 29 ( 12:45 pm)
HBO2 playdate: Nov. 24 (8:00 pm)
Sookie is a link to the string of killings in Bon Temps - and ends in the light of the murderer. Tara to the realization of most of his second chance with Maryann; Jason finds a new calling after anti-vampire zealot Orry (Michael Bofshever) visits in prison, the bill seeks to explain its latest attempt to save Sookie Saturday was disrupted by an encounter with an old acquaintance.
Written by Rael Tucker, directed by Alan Ball.
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