Watch True Blood season1 online free ep2- Strange Love
Monday, July 27, 2009
HBO Debut: Sunday, SEPT. 14 (9:00-10:00 pm)
Other HBO playdates: Sept. 14 (10:30 pm), 16 (11:30 pm), 17 (10:00 pm), 18 (8:00 pm), 19 (midnight), 20 (10:45 pm) and 25 (9:00 pm)
HBO2 playdates: Sept. 15 (8:00 pm), 21 (3:00 pm) and 28 (5:00 pm)
Bill Comptonreturns Sookie please save the Rattray 'revenge, healing the wounded waitress with his own blood and leaving more temporary means. After being invited into Gran (Lois Smith) house for a "get-to-know-who" meeting with Jason and his family, Bill Comptonjoins Sookie for a night. End of the bill of disrepair Antebellum, where his first fight off the vampire urges acquiescent Sookie . Later, Sookie wants to get the better of him as it refers to the law - and is greeted by a band of bloodthirsty vampires of his friends.
Written by Alan Ball, directed by Scott Winant
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